CORE Vault

cVault Finance allows you to stake coreDAO to earn CORE in the CORE Vault.

In order to participate in farming CORE, you must have coreDAO to stake. You can obtain coreDAO from decentralized markets such as Uniswap-V3 markets, alternatively you can join the cVault Finance community on Telegram and ask directly to community members the best place to obtain coreDAO tokens. Once you obtain coreDAO tokens you can stake then in the CORE Vault (2.4.0v) on the cVault.Finance website.

CORE has a Fee of Transfer (FoT) of 1% which means that it chargers 1% for every trade through decentralized markets. This FoT is redistributed to CORE Vault stakers which makes farming CORE possible without printing new tokens.

Note that the farming APY is not a fixed return, nor it is a promised return. The returns are based on fees per block in the previous days and the value of CORE and coreDAO and this might change with trading volume and token prices.

Last updated