The Oceans Origin Event Part 2

After the mint is completed several steps will occur.

Archived - March 2023

Immediately after the ERC-721 whale shark is minted:

While we have provided some estimates for our timelines, please note that we cannot guarantee meeting them. Initially, our focus after the minting process is to closely monitor the interaction of these contracts with our users, while also prioritizing the reduction of abuse and increasing when possible the user experience.

  1. Deployer will reveal & enable all NFT Token transfers - within 24* hrs of final mint

Token transfers will be enabled after the final mint is completed. The reason transfers are disabled in the first place is to prevent abuse of the NFT Token Stream and to finalize the contracts and the whole system.

  1. Deployer will mint the two LP tokens on Sushiswap - within 48* hrs of final mint

In order to prevent abuse the exact time of the token mints will not be disclosed.

Since the distribution of the Plankton token is going to be made via vested LP tokens, we cannot guarantee a specific quantity of tokens that will be allocated to each NFT contract.

This will commence The Season 0 of The CWS Ecosystem which focused on Token Distribution & will last for the same time as these rewards.

  1. What's next? Season 1 Wen? Soon

Last updated